Tuesday, May 1, 2012

beautiful places || seattle

High rises pierce the cloudy overlay of a grey cotton sky, surrounding the landmark Space Needle like a matchstick frame. Surrounded by water and white sailboats and filled to the brim with open-air markets, serene viewpoints, and quaint homes, the city is beautiful, stately, busy—it is Seattle.

We girls took a visit to Washington this last weekend to attend the yearly Christian Heritage Conference. It was a refreshing time of learning new truths and having time with old friends, reuniting with best friends, meeting new friends, and simply enjoying a time away. The conference was not far from Seattle, and so on our extra day in the neighborhood we spent some time walking about in beautiful places.

I can’t claim to love the city, but a day amidst skyscrapers and hedges and little cafes tucked behind flower markets always promises to be a lovely one. We climbed a hill overlooking the city and ate our picnic lunch there, enjoying the cool and watching water planes land amidst the sailboats. How odd they are—droning in with their big boat-like gliders, barley missing the boats and skimming across the water just as calmly as you please. I don’t think I could ever get up the courage to pilot one.

After lunch we meandered through the uptown, past lonely benches and the pretty scene of an organic store’s market. I have always loved the handwriting on those flower and vegetable labels—all swirly and whimsy. Handwriting is so distinct, such a part of who someone is. It saddens me to hear that schools will no longer be teaching penmanship as education in the coming years. Print and type has replaced what will soon be a forgotten art. I, for one, will teach cursive to my children. I really can’t imagine living without it, silly as it seems.

For one last adventure, we drove up to the Queen’s Street viewpoint to eat Thin Mints and raspberry Popsicles. Simple treats, yet extremely satisfying [who could have guessed that Girl Scout Cookies could be so delectable?]. I could see the city stretching out before us in the hazy distance, the clouds melting like golden marshmallows as the sun peeked through.

Beautiful places /// Seattle



  1. these pictures/you are beautiful & lovely!! :)

  2. I have a friend who was just at that same conference! Small world... Looks like you had a lovely time. :)

  3. now you made me want to go to Seattle. Well, I've always wanted to go, but you made me want to go even more. and your photos are beyond lovely. (oh and so are you!!!)

  4. your photography is amazing! awesome pictures! I love thin mints (I think a little too much;) haha! and I agree, I really think that handwriting is important. I mean cursive is just so pretty, who wouldn't want to know how to write it?:)


  5. Seattle looks so lovely! Maybe I'll get to visit it someday, too. :)
    I love the way you edit your photos. They're so... whimsy. :)

    eve @ essence of eve

  6. lovely photos, you've inspired me to get my butt in gear! I need to go take some new photos lol


  7. I adore Seattle. I used to live close to there and I went pretty often. :)

  8. Lovely pictures!!! =D I love the flowers :D

  9. Beautiful pictures, Miss Lucia! Aww, it's so sweet to see you with the H. sisters! They are such special friends of mine! Did y'all get to sing in the chorale?

    May you have a blessed day!
    Much love,
    Martha Joy

  10. Enchanting pictures!

    It was wonderful to see you and your sisters at the conference and chat a bit. Hopefully, next time we cross paths, we'll be able to get accquainted with each other more!

  11. oh, that looks like a worth while trip to washington! you all look so pretty! : )

  12. just beautiful, Miss Lucia!!!


  13. Great pictures. Everything and everyone looks lovely :)

  14. Seattle is so pretty!

    Thanks for sharing the photos!

    ~ Mandie @ A Wholehearted Life


  15. Hi Lucia!

    It was great meeting you at the conference! :) I really enjoyed seeing you! :)


  16. btw: are more pictures coming?!?!? ;)

  17. What gorgeous shots, Lucia! I love it all, and cannot wait to go to Seattle one day.

  18. Lucia! It was so nice to see you at the conference! I just regret that we didn't have more time to talk. :( Perhaps we will get to see you at OCEAN???

    Thanks for posting. Such wonderful memories!!!

    Have a wonderful day!

    ~Bethany Strang

  19. I would like to go to Seattle. NOWAH.

  20. I think I would have enjoyed Seattle a bit more if it hadn't been for the fact that I always get stuck in the airport there! I almost had to stay in Seattle once while trying to fly home for Christmas - not my favorite experience but I made it home just in time!

    Missy from pure-femininity.blogspot.com

  21. My goodness. I love Seattle! It is a lovely city with so many beautiful things to see. :-) I enjoyed your photos!

  22. your hair. it's growing long and golden. :)

  23. wonderful pictures Lucia!
    You are so beautiful.



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