Tuesday, May 29, 2012

anticipating the unwind

As summer gently edges spring out the door, the call to "unwind" whispers through the balmy breezes that caress my open window. Lessons are still piled high on my desk, but just beyond them is Pineapple Frozen Greek Yogurt dripping on a silver spoon, wildflowers blooming in the yellow fields, and the crisp exquisiteness of Kinfolk magazine (vielen dank, Carlotta!)

 Now if only my pencil would work faster; if only my eyes would stay on the page and wander not to the window; if only the call to unwind would wait until unwinding is truly a possibility. The summer ahead holds so many endless possibilities and loveliness, if only I could let it in. 

Nevertheless, this coming week and month promise to be resplendent in themselves. Here's my little list of happiness. 


Weddings >> next week a sweet friend of mine is tying the knot, and I can't wait.  
Photography >> I was asked to second-shoot a wedding later this month. Eeep!
Bare feet >> mild temperatures mean no more shoes. 
Airborne >> we got a trampoline, and I'm addicted to flight-by-bounce.
Garden-grown >> our seeds are sown, our soil is tilled. Fresh lettuce is on the way!
To read >> my bookshelf is stocked and ready for love. 
To run >> my last cross country season is nearly here. Time to train. 

Happy Tuesday, friends. Here's to 'anticipating the unwind!' What's on your list? 


ps- summer design? you like?


  1. lovely design! and that list sounds amazing, I'm not quite finished with my school yet so I have been so inpatient and ready to finish! oh, how I love summer!
    and you are gorgeous!

  2. Lovely photos! You're so cute. :)
    Mm, I'm done with school, but still have to do Algebra over the summer, in order to finish in time for september. (I like to be ahead in math. :D)

    Ooh, sounds like a fun summer ahead of you! The best type of summer is a relaxed one - full of reading, learning, and loving. :)


  3. p.s. your design made me smile when I came to your page. absolutely lovely job, lady.

  4. you look gorgeous!! I love the third one of you best! :)


    p.s. I love the new look!!!

  5. I know how you feel! I still have school to do as well... probably won't be done till the end of June or even the beginning of July. :D
    I love your new design...but...you already knew that.
    You are beautiful, friend.



  6. Yes, I can't wait for summer break too! Nice photos! :) I actually just did a post with my summer list!

  7. Just found your blog and so glad that I did! It's so beautiful. Your photography is stunning! :)

  8. Oh Lucia, I can hardly wait for summer! Your photographs, as always, are absolutely flawless. (and so are you)

    Pineapple frozen Greek yogurt, say whaaaa? I'm so coming over. ;)

    Have fun shooting at the wedding, I know it will be great! ♥

    ps. Your new blog design is my favorite yet! Modernish meets Old-fashioned slash vintage. eeek! :D

  9. your design is cute and that color is so so so good on you. I can't wait for school to wrap up--and second shooting a wedding? oh, that's so exciting! good luck, m'dear!

  10. Hehe, it looks like my summer will be 'winding up'... but i'm happy about that! ;)

    beautiful pictures and have fun shooting the wedding!

  11. oh wow, your new design is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
    love this post. you are beautiful and the list sounds so exciting! i wish my life would get like that. all i have at the moment is school work and more school work!

  12. I really like your background/header Lucia!!!

  13. Awesome pictures Lucia, and I love the new design! How did you make the little white banner up top? It's adorable. :D

  14. Ahh yes. My list looks very similar :) I also *love* to run, and jump on the trampoline, and our garden is growing!- I am usually barefooted all year (benefits to living in Hawaii) Summer is wonderful ;-)
    Cute post!

    P.S Love your pics-everything looks so fresh~

  15. cuuuuute photo of you in the sidebar! :)

  16. The list sounds lovely!! Which friend?!

    That color blue looks really good on you!

    And yes! Love the summer design! Gosh, girl, I may just need you to peek MY blog up a little! :D haha

  17. girrrrrl you are the queen of gorgeous. :) :) love you!


  18. You are too cute! So happy to have stumbled across your blog from Much Love, Illy. Was looking around your design site as well and may recruit your services soon, I think I'm ready for a change!

    xo Shane


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