Monday, September 27, 2010

When Your Heart Begins to Stray

You've given your heart to the LORD for safe-keeping. You've committed yourself to purity of emotions and soul as well as physicality. You know that He wants you to keep yourself whole for that one special Person in the future. You're willing to wait as true love does, and not let your heart and mind run away prematurely.

And then it happens all over again.

...That nice young man smiles at you, and is kind to you--holds the door open for you, and you find that your heart beats quickly every time you see him. Before you know it, you are in very grave danger.

"Oh, Lord, I can't do it. I want to honor you in this, but my heart wants to stray. I'm right back where I started!"

...Not quite.

Our Heavenly Father knows how hard it is for us, especially as girls, to remain solely focused on purity of heart when others in our lives are totally for the opposite. He knows we like compliments, sweetness, and--yes, people who hold doors open for us. *wink*

But He also knows what's best for us, and what's best for us is not letting ourselves succumb to what the world thinks is "right" and "natural."

Which we already knew before...we stumbled.

So what do we do when it happens? Are we horrible-people-who-just-can't-keep-promises, now? No! We're human beings--more importantly, ladies--who want to go the right way but lose track and start to fantasise like our little romantic selves like to do. =)

...And what can we do about it?

1. Pray. 

...God is always there, ready to take up our fight and do the battle for us. Remember when you first made your pledge? You knew you couldn’t do it by yourself, and it’s true. Without God, it’s impossible to remain pure all the time, try as we might!

2. Don’t beat yourself down.

Just because you stumble or nearly stumble, doesn’t mean everything’s coming down. Guarding your heart is difficult, and the World is totally against it. But with His help, all is possible!

3. Pledge Again.

...Renewing your pledge of Purity always is a good idea. No, it hasn't gotten "old," but reminding yourself in front of witnesses {like your parents or a respected friend} that your heart, mind, soul, and body are the LORD's, and His to keep forever, and His only to keep or to give wonderful!

4. Never Give Up.

Your purity is too precious to give away prematurely to anyone who doesn't deserve it. Never give up--even if you fall.

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life”

{Proverbs 4:23}

~Miss Lucia~


  1. What a wonderful post, Lucia! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject of purity. It is so important for young women to keep their heart close to God while waiting for the right man to marry.
    Thank you again for the encouraging words, dear friend!

    Your Sister In Christ,

  2. Lucia,
    I really needed that post! I do that all the time! My best friend and I are both so lostly romantic! We are always reminding each other of purity and courtship! I try to remain pure with not only my actions pure but also my thoughts! It is so hard. But with the Lord's help I can do it! I certainly can't do it by myself but only by God's grace!
    Thanks for this post! It is a great reminder!
    Katie :)

  3. Out of curiosity does anyone else have the problem with guys "noticing them"? I dress modestly, and I don't flirt or anything like that, but I feel guilty or something. I devoted to purity, and this bothers me, as I don't really want attention from guys in that way.

  4. Thank you for the encouraging post Lucia:)

  5. Oh Luci!! What a beautiful post!!! Every thing you said was
    true and very inspiring and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this and for standing up for what is
    right!! You write beautifully, Dear!! Thank you. We love you SO much!

    Dani, Amanda and Emily

  6. This was so beautiful! I loved's one of my {Favorites} for this month!

  7. So....Is is bad to like someone because I have a major crush on a boy I know...

  8. Thanks SOOO much for this post (even if it is an old one :-D)!!! I am SO grateful I found your blog!!!
    I have been struggling with this SOOOOOOOO much lately because of things like exactly what you said - sweet, godly guys holding the door open and smiling, which sounds RIDICULOUS when stated that way, but still my heart falls... thanks so much for the encouragement!

  9. YOU ARE SO COOL. I just happened to stumble across your blog as I was google-searching Rainbow Birthday Cake (I happen to love the idea of having a rainbow cake for my birthday as well...19 isn't too old, is it?). Anyway, I believe finding your blog was no accident, but instead that God lead me here. Your blog is so inspiring, and it's like a breath of fresh air! I feel so blessed after visiting this site. I pray that God will continue to inspire you in being a blessing to others! <3


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