"Let us read and let us dance -
two amusements that will never do any harm to the world."
- Voltaire
..Before I proceed any further in this post, let me forwarn you: horrible picture quality, and few photos. Unfortunatley, our "good" camera had to break the week before the ball; thus, we were left with one that doesn't focus unless the flash is used. Also, there was simply no time for pictures...only dancing. ;) The night was far too short, and I barely had time to talk at all with those who I had been wanting to see! :/ Nevertheless, it was still a grand time, and I will treasure these memories always.
The Count of Monte Cristo Ball was heavenly, as expected. ;)
..We began to "get ready" around 2:00 p.m. Our friend Christina, who was also attending, came by, and we all did our hair/got dressed.
{The finished dress, at last!}
..Can you believe that this ^^ is the best I could do??! Just one sentence: short on time. I promise better quality pictures of my dress at a later date, but for now, this will have to do. It was 12:30 a.m., we had just gotten home, no one was around..ugg. I hate resorting to self-taken photos, but it was a must. :] But, yes, that is the dress. I decided on a mint green sash..it was all flowy and nice, just the way I like a sash to be. Ooh..please don't laugh at this next picture's EXTREMELY awful picture quality. *Told* you the camera doesn't focus..
{My regency bun}
..It looked better in real life. I promise. o.O
We met at the C.'s house for carpooling, which was also where
Michaela and
Anna were staying. :] It was delightful to at last meet them, and have at least an hour in the car to talk/get to know them a little more. Sadly, we got a little lost on the roads and missed a part of the ball, but it was still fun going through pretty countryside and hearing the two sisters serenade us with "Les Miserables" ballades. ;)
{The Grande Ballroom}
..Just a little {*ahem*..fuzzy..} glimpse of the ballroom--I shot this quickly when we first arrived. Isn't it prettily decorated? I just love the pillars! <3
{Taniel and I}
A sweet friend, "Miss Eyebright" (Taniel), met for a few moments...she and her family didn't attend the ball, but stopped by to say "hello!" I wish we could've talked longer! :(
{Olivia, me, Shelbe}
{Michaela, me, Anna, and Olivia}
..The dance, in itself, was wonderful. I never realized how very much I enjoyed dancing, until we began to attend these balls! Especially the last one, which was Irish--entitled, "Marie's Wedding." It was so bouncy, and happy, and....delicious! ;)
I also met another young lady, Miss Hadley, whom I unfortunatley did not get a photo with, but whom I enjoyed very much, indeed. We did a little swing dancing together..imitation swing dancing, more like. ;) It was silly, but fun. I just love being silly sometimes..I can't help myself! And I cannot wait for the next ball...
*Newly Added!*
..A video of the lovely ball. Filming credit goes to D. Sauble.