Wednesday, January 19, 2011

~Shoes Define You~

..Have you ever heard that

"The type of shoes you wear
define the type of person you are"


It seems strange to me. But then I looked around {*ahem..* more like, looked down}, and realized that it's true! Your shoes really do define you.

 Romeos = country gal/guy.
Golf shoes = refined man.
Tennis shoes = active gal/guy.
Heels = business woman/fancy woman



...Do you know what type of shoes I would like
 to define me?

You may have a hint from a certain delectable post a few days back...

~ *hehehehe* ~

::Chocolate shoes!::

...Aren't they utterly silly,
wonderfully pretty,
 deliciously divine?!


{I almost want to eat them!}


chocolate shoes and bottles






Visit this miraculous site:

..for more pretty chocolate shoes to feast your eyes upon.. <3


~Lucia Marie~


  1. How cool! I especially love the ones in the Barbie shoe box! I would love to have one of those right now. :)

  2. How funny! :) I didn't know they made chocolate shoes!! Yumm. That would be fun to eat. Thanks for sharing that yummy looking post, Lu!

    Love you,
    ~Dani,Amanda, Emily and Hannah

  3. Chocolate and shoes...can it get any better?

  4. ~Thank you so much for following me! And I now follow you. :D Wow I LOVE this blog post, so cute! :D :D And I LOVE your blog too. :D


  5. Ha-ha! That is quite funny. ;) I had no idea that they made such shoes, but your right, they are rather funny but cute at the same time. ;D

    I also never thought about the aspect of your shoes defining who you really are. I wear many a shoes, so I think at different times I'm someone different. Hehe! ;)

    <3 Have a lovely day, and great post! =D

  6. Hahaha! That is awesome! ;)


  7. Oh my gosh!!! I want some of those!!!:) lol, very cute-and yummy!

  8. Oh wow! I love the pink and brown shoes in the first picture...and the Barbie shoe box-way too cute! :)

  9. Ahhh! Too many shoes!! :)
    A pair of comfy tennis shoes will always work for me, in everyplace too. Until, anyway, my mom caught sight of them underneath my skirt at church. *sigh*


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