Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Because "Blogger" Should Really Be Entitled "New Friend Maker.."

I always get excited when a new follower joins our ranks at the top of the page, because it means something wonderful: I have a new friend! <3 Even better is when I discover that my new friend has a blog, and we begin to correspond and truly become online "buddies." :)

..But the sad thing is, though I may have many sweet blogging buddies, I am never destined to meet a good 99/100 of them. :( In fact, over all of my years of online friendships, I have yet to meet a single real, live young lady from my list of pen-pals and favorite bloggers, giver her a real, live hug that doesn't look like this --> {{HUG}}, and have a real, wonderful, conversation.

All that is about to change, because for the first time ever, Lucia is about to change her history.

Miss Michaela F., from the delightful blog The Last Rose of Summer, and her sister Anna F., from the ever-popular blog Oooh La La! are coming to my home state, for a visit.

~Is that exciting or what?!~

...Now, it is a funny thing with us, because a little while back we all discovered that we all knew the same young lady, Miss Nicole C. (yes, she taught the dress-making class).

Michaela and Nicole are actually pretty much best friends, and it was by mere coincidence that, whilst browsing through Anna's blog a few months ago, I came accross a photo of Nicole and the two F. sisters at an "Ohio Rendevous." I was like, "Wha..?!"

Thus, it was discovered that we are connected in mysterious ways, and...they are arriving here in May to visit Nicole and their other friends here, just in time for the "Count of Monte Cristo" ball, too {which I shall be attending...more on that later}!

~Michaela and Anna, I so look forward to meeting you, my dears!~

..Blessings, friends! I wish I could meet all of you someday...<3


  1. Haha that's awesome...fun, fun!!


  2. That is so cool! I want to meet one of my blogger friends in real life one day!

    Oh, and by the way, I'm one of those new followers! You blog is just lovely, and I am completely serious when I say you have the most amazing header and blog design EVER!

  3. You are right now the luckiest blogger alive. YOU GET TO MEET THOSE AWESOME GIRL!?!?!!??!?! Wow. Serious Envy going on here! ;-P

  4. I might get to meet them too! If they aren't too busy that is. :) I live in Oregon, and am hoping to drive to the Valley at that time. But even if it doesn't work out for me, I hope you have a GREAT TIME! It's totally awesome to be able to meet a blog friend in real life. I've only done it once, but it was a special occasion. :)

  5. the web links up there aren't correct....

  6. *Scream* Not only am I excited for your sake, but to-morrow, I am going to see Johanna from an Old Fashion Girl! *scream* Yes, we can both give our friends REAL hugs!!!!! And talk, and talk, and talk, and hug, and giggle, and laugh, and and...'tis going to be so much fun!!!! *scream*

    Okay, I'm tired of screaming. ;)

    May the Lord bless your visit with your friends!

  7. Oh, how FUN!!!
    I've only met one young lady who follows my blog (and I knew her before I started my blog) and am *hoping* to meet my dear friend/penpal from NM this year. I am hoping, hoping, HOPING this works out!! =)

    Wouldn't be so awesome to have a
    blog "Meet and Greet"?? Kind of like the Homeschool Alumni meetings, but for young ladies who blog. That would be fun, wouldn't it?
    Maybe I'll have to think about starting something like that..... =)

    Have fun!



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