Friday, October 15, 2010

A Birthday Party!

...A few weeks ago Olivia and I were able to attend a friend's 16th "birthday party." I took along the *new* (well, we got it for five bucks off of Ebay!) camera and got some (a few more "photographic" than others, lol) pictures!

...We took a trip to the mall! Olivia and I don't reallt go to the mall that often, so this was a fun treat. =) We had a loverly time dressing up in the {wacky} things at Claire' do you like my snazzy shades? ;D

..Oh, goodness! Look at those glasses...=P

...We had fun examining the odd shoes and wardrobe selections of the different "popular" stores! =D

..After a little while at the mall, we returned to her home and sat about stitching away while chatting away!

....The cake was beautiful!

..And, thus ended a dee-lightful day. Hope you enjoyed the *long-needed* photos! Oh--and please pray for me tomorrow around 2:00~I have a meet! *worried face* Thank you SO much, dear friends! Have a blessed weekend.

In Him,
Miss Lucia

P.S. (Go HERE to see some of my most recent Fall photography!)


  1. Looks like ya'll had a fab. time!! U R suuuuper purty!! =D lolz love the shades..=D


  2. It looks as though you had a wonderful time with your friend!

  3. How has the blog design been coming along? Have you gotten ahold of Awel or is the design in process? Comment on my blog and let me know, please.


  4. Looks like you had a good time! ;) That cake looks delicious! :D

    Have a wonderful day, Miss Lucia!
    Much love to you and yours.
    Martha Joy


Aw! Thanks so much for leaving a comment! They make me smile. :)

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