Tuesday, February 8, 2011

INTRODUCING~~"The Seven Days of {Etsy} Valentines!"

My Dear Readers,

You may have heard a whisper of "The Seven Days of Valentines" event already, but if this is new to you, let me explain:

~I am very excited to announce my newest project for this week! In honor of one of my favorite holidays, "Valentine's Day," I am hosting a little event that will run from tomorrow {the ninth} to the sixteenth of February. It will be seven days of pure heartsy, Etsy fun, with tutorials, interviews, and giveaways *galore!*

~If you are planning on participating, please help me spread the word by posting this button somewhere on your blog [be sure to click the "shrink button," or it will be big!]:


{Just copy and paste into a picture-thing on your sidebar, with my blog link:}


 ..Day one begins tomorrow, bright and early! I hope to see you there..and one note: my dear followers get extra fun! ;)
..My dear friend Miss Grace B. wrote a book review recently. She asked me to inquire wether some of you would take the time to read it, and rate it! She is hoping for as many rates as possible, because she is in a contest for "the most rates for book reviews!" Please do her this favor~~I promise, it only takes a minute! :)


  1. Wow! Sounds like SO much fun,Lucia! I shall be posting the link on my blog! =)

    And thank you SO much for telling about my book review! Its going to be a lot of help! And your so sweet to do it for me! =) I found out today that I am in for a *big* competition, so I need all of the rankings I can get.

    Love you, Dear friend! <3

  2. Grace~~

    You are quite welcome, my dear! :) I hope this sends some traffic your way..and, I am sorry I haven't replied to your e-mail yet! I've been getting behind on e-mails lately..:P

    I love you, too, dear! <3


  3. Well thank you... from all of your followers and how active they are, I believe that it really shall help me out a lot! And thanks SO much!

    That is quite all right about not getting to the email, to tell you the truth that I've grown kinda behind on my emails as well. :P So don't feel bad about it, I was just delighted to see my name and book review posted here. =)

    <3<3<3<3<3 God bless, and hope your day is BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Sounds like alot of fun! :D
    I love Valentine's day and hearts and roses and lovey stuff! <3

  5. Sounds like lots of fun, dear friend! :)

  6. Sounds fun...I *tried* to use the button, but it doesn't work. :( Does it work for you?


Aw! Thanks so much for leaving a comment! They make me smile. :)

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