Monday, March 21, 2016

small thing //

small thing:
you breathe; you sigh; you love
relentlessly, simply, unconditionally--
mewing and grasping
for her.
your hold is slight and firm.
you trust her.

small thing,
you trust it: life,
that is,
the thing which pulled you from
the safe,
the cozy,
the impenetrable warmth,
and out into
the big,
the dark,
the impenetrable chill.
yet you were born to live,
and live you shall.

small thing:
someday, this world will
hold more than she,
and you will learn to loose your grasp.
but not soon.
and she is thankful.

I am now a part-time professional photographer in the Portland, Oregon area. I attribute my growth in imagery completely to this blog, and I am thankful for the many words of encouragement and support which came to me for so many years as I began my photography endeavors. These images are from a recent newborn shoot. Photographing families + babies always leaves me with a sense of awe and delight. 

xx lucia 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Soul Breathing

Sometimes, your soul needs to breathe. Mine did, and has. And so I have returned. //

It's been nearly two years since I have been in this place, and typing once more on a familiar blank sheet is nostalgic. My soul has indeed done a lot of breathing. I am different. I have changed. I have grown. I have lived; I have adventured. I have photographed, traveled, learned, written, cried, laughed, had my heart bruised and beautified. I am twenty years young now; thirteen, the age at which I began this little blog of mine, seems like a galaxy away.

But here I am, returning. I missed this outlet; this space in which to share my thoughts + musings.  I intend to return wholeheartedly--sporadically, perhaps, but thoughtfully. I want to write again, merely to myself, if need be.

Be blessed.

xo // lucia
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