Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Awaiting Spring...

Oh, the heavenly bliss of
the coming Spring!
...Truly One of God's most marvelous Seasons...

Oh, the time when flowers are budding
New Life is found in the
 simpleness of a little thing...

Oh, the glorious sight of
 roses and violets, and lilies,
 and peonies! All in a splash of vibrant color against
The quaintness of, perhaps, an old house...

Happy Wednesday,
dear friends!

Illustrations by Olivia Morud, (c) 2010
All Right's Reserved
Please do not copy without permission~Thank You!


  1. I LOVE the pictures, Olivia! :)

    and HAPPY WEDNESDAY to you too, Lu! :) <3 I love how your blog is very creative, and you know how to do a lot! :)

    Love you!

  2. Hi, Dear!

    Thanks so much for the comment. =) You are such a dear sister! =) Love you! Thank you..=)

    In Christ,

  3. This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :)


Aw! Thanks so much for leaving a comment! They make me smile. :)

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